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Highly Regarded Passion and Expertise will be missed.

Dear members

As Chair of Southern Seafood Producers I write to inform you of the recent Management Committee resignations of Manue Daniels and Alan Miles.

I know I speak for all SSP members when I say that both Manue and Alan have made outstanding contributions to the State's commercial fishing sector. In Alan's case this has extended for more than 60 years!

Be it anywhere across the regions of Southern Seafood Producers (WA) Association, both Alan and Manue have always represented the commercial fishing sector with passion, expertise and conviction; qualities that have earned them great respect, not only amongst their peers but also at Departmental and Ministerial levels. Both have been heavily involved with SSP since its inception and have played pivotal roles in helping position the Association as an industry leader; something that would gladden the hearts of both Dr Peter Rogers and the late Hon Kim Chance.

I particularly note the fact that SSP now has direct responsibility for 27 commercial sector bodies/fisheries; second only to WAFIC with 28. This extraordinary growth, since 2017, is something that Manue, Alan and all present and past committee members can be most proud of! In my thankyou correspondence to both retiring members I have wished them well in their future fishing endeavours, and expressed SSP's hope that they would continue to advocate for the commercial fishing sector with the same passion, energy and commitment that they have always displayed.

SSP's task is now to find replacements for both Manue Daniels and Alan Miles, noting the requirement for a representative from both the South West and Esperance/South East coastal regions.

Expressions of interest are sought from members who would like to join the SSP Management Committee or perhaps suggest someone who could be approached to consider making a commitment.

The principal requirements are membership of SSP and a passion for representing the values and ambitions of the Western Australian commercial fishing industry.

You can direct any questions, expressions of interest or suggestions to our Administration Officer, Alison Bramwell, by either email or mobile viz; or 0437 459 902.

Yours sincerely

Matt Benson-Lidholm JP


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