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A Win for Industry - Application for Development Approval for Stage 1 Point Grey Marina Earthworks

The SSPWA is delighted to inform stakeholders of the statement released by the Shire of Murray on the 30th of April 2019, regarding the Application for Development Approval for Stage 1 of the Point Grey Marina Earthworks. The outcome below was aided by the written submissions by the SSPWA, MLFA and WAFIC. In an email, the Shire announced that a report on this matter was submitted to the Ordinary meeting of Council on 24 April 2019, when it was resolved:

That Council:

Refuse the application made by Roberts Day on behalf of Point Grey Development Company Pty Ltd, for Stage 1 Marina earthworks at Lot 672 Carrabungup Road, Point Grey.

Welcomes a new application once the proponent provides documentation that demonstrates the meeting of all outstanding conditions, including the financial model for dredging and maintenance of the proposed channel to the satisfaction of the Council.”

The reason for changing the officer recommendation was noted as follows:

“To allow Council to have the time to review progress on the condition requirements for the proposal, and to give further due diligence to the project and the financial modelling.”

A copy of the report to Council and associated appendices has been made available on the Shire’s website at

Any queries regarding Council’s resolution should be directed to the Shire office on 9531 7603 or by email at

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