"Further to the notice below, please be advised that the Asian Market Success project has decided to EXTEND THE CLOSING DATE for funding applications until 5.00pm Wednesday 27th March, 2019.
This is due to multiple requests for extensions.
This extension for submitting applications means timeframes for the rest of the process will be pushed out, and whilst the current requirement for completing in-market activities remains end of June 2019 there is opportunity to negotiate an extension until end of July 2019."
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, through its Asian Market Success project is making available a total $100,000 in funding for individual proposals of $20,000 to $40,000 by WA Peak Industry Bodies to undertake in-market research, development and/or promotion activities.
Please see attached:
Applications close 5:00pm (WST) on Friday, 22nd March, 2019.
Any queries regarding eligibility and types of in-market activities please don’t hesitate to e-mail Asian Market Success Project Team via asianmarketsuccess@dpird.wa.gov.au or contact Fiona Goss, In-Market Activity Funding Coordinator via fiona.goss@dpird.wa.gov.au / 08 9368 3326 or Joan Lim, AMS Project Manager via joan.lim@dpird.wa.gov.au / 08 9368 3277.