Things to know:
Prior to SSPWA establishment, the Herring G-Trap Fishery was closed based on poor scientific evidence.This issue was tackled by individuals, and due to individual push back, a scientific workshop convened and identified that the risk to the stock was considered “medium”. Even though this risk level was determined, the fishery remained closed and established markets were lost. The SSPWA Task-force convened (co-opted existing group) and wrote to Minister Kelly requesting a date for the reopening, to which the Minister replied that there was a preference for fish resources being used for food rather than bait products, which the SSPWA deemed as market interference.The SSPWA referred to Recfishwest to discuss re-opening as they are a secondary stakeholder to the debate. In November, Recfishwest agreed to support a plan to “transition to food” being developed. Industry representatives will hold meeting to develop a Draft Transition Plan, prior to circulation to industry for consultation, to Recfishwest on completion of industry input, and ultimately to Minister for sign-off.
More information to come. Should you wish to discuss this issue further, please contact Don Nicholls on 0457 735 638 or at