For those who may be affected by the implementation of the Ngari Capes Marine Parks, we have prepared some assistance for your applications. Please find attached, two documents related to Ngari Capes Marine Park Compensation:
1. The Marine Reserve Compensation Process; and
2. The Ngari Capes Marine Parks Compensation Form, where SSPWA has highlighted the critical boxes in order to get an Application into the process.
Just a reminder to all that you have until close of Business February 28 to get your Application Form in to be considered for compensation if affected by the Ngari Capes Marine Park. While there has been a request to extend the time to submit, we have heard nothing as yet. Don’t take any chances, submit your application form ASAP.
Note: DPIRD have confirmed, it is not necessary to provide all the information on this form, simply:
1. Authorisation Holder
3. Details of Authorisation
PART B 4. Event on which the claim for compensation is based (We have used the example that WAFIC has provided).............................................................................................................................................................. The gazettal of the Ngari (Capes) Marine Park permissive and non-permissive management zones. Further details will be provided later. 7. Execution of Application Sign in the appropriate area for your business. When the form is complete (as per above), either: 1. Save and then attach to an email to: 2. Scan and email to: 3. Save to PDF and email; OR 4. Print, sign and mail to: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development – Fisheries Division Locked Bag 39 Cloisters Square Post Office PERTH WA 6850 ATTENTION: Sarah Winslade-Mullane