On behalf of the SSPWA, please find the links below for the following:
For an initial overview of the Minister’s decision, please especially check pages six and seven of the Independent Panel’s final report, this is the Panel’s overarching Eight Recommendations, note the following:
Access Recommendation 1 – Fish Traps in the Oceanic Zone – in addition to Condition 74 holders also included FBL 2103 endorsed on a current exemption to use fish traps on the South Coast in line with FBL Condition 74
Access Recommendation 2 – unchanged from the Panel’s submission
Access Recommendation 3 – unchanged from the Panel’s submission
Access Recommendation 4 – unchanged from the Panel’s submission
Access Recommendation 5 – removed from the Review – noting the current closure of the Herring G-net fishery, Herring G-nets will be removed from the scope of the review with any future management addressed separately.
Access Recommendation 6 and 7 – the Minister combined haulnet, beach seine and gillnets as per Access Recommendation 8
Access Recommendation 8 – Unchanged from the Panel’s submission, the amalgamation of net fisheries option was chosen by the Minister
We have been advised that DPIRD (Fisheries) will contact all licence holders with the outcome of the Wet Line review (i.e. the information contained in this email) and formally advising if you do / do not qualify for either or both of the two managed fisheries emanating from this review. The Department will be closely cross-checking the catch history component noting the weighting of catch to more recent times prior to confirming your individual outcome.
The correspondence from the Minister does not indicate one way or the other if, as the Panel requested, a review / appeals process (see pages 24 and 25) has been included. WAFIC and the SSPWA have liaised directly with the Minister’s office. We have been advised that the DPIRD correspondence notifying you if you do / do not qualify will have a clear line saying if you are unhappy with the decision to contact DPIRD clearly outlining your specific case. Very important that this door remains open. The SSPWA and WAFIC will continue to liaise directly with the Minister’s office and the Department to ensure this appeal / review process is clear.
Both SSPWA and WAFIC will be in contact again once the final Wet Line report has been digested and assessed.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Shane Walters at shane.walters@dpird.wa.gov.au or on (0)8 6551 4366.